- Dear Transcription Builders! The good news is that we have begun transcribing the audio lectures, those lectures from the early days, from the 4th Sundays, the ones with that great, in depth teaching. Your efforts and support are making this possible. You are building something that will last for generations.
- 2000-04-09 The Spirit of Our Success - Louisville KY Pts 1-2
- 1998-04-05 Inclusiveness_ How Muslims Live with Others
- 1998-07-12 Extended Sense Of Belonging_ More Good Life
- 1998-04-06 Al-Islam-the American Spirit and Global Community Toledo OH
- 2000 Saviours Day with NOI Pt 1
- 2000-09-03 MAS Annual Convention Pt 2
- 2003-05-30 Jumuah
- 2004-09-04 Convention Addressing our Youth Pts 1-3
- 2004-04-20 Radio Interview
- 1993-12-04 A Call for Human Excellence in America - Philadelphia PA
- 2003-03-31 The Life Blood of All Communities of Faith and Al-Islam is Peace Pts 1-2
- 1996-09-02 The State of The Muslim Address - Islamic Convention Pt 2
- 2002-02 Savior's Day Nation of Islam Chicago Ill
See Transcribed Audio Lectures > Pg. 2
- 1975-09-15 Ministers_Meeting Pts 4 - 8
- 1975-01-18 FOI_Class Pts 1 - 8 (transcript is in parts 1 - 6)
- 1975-02-26 Saviors Day Pts 2 - 4
- 2007-05-27 A Memorial Day CPC Meeting - Chicago IL
- 1975-06-08 Adam and Eve Begin Society
- 1975-06-08 Be Fruitful and Multiply
See Transcribed Video Lectures > Pg. 7
- 1984-10-17 The Importance of Moral Leadership for the 1980s
See Audio Lectures > Pg. 35
- 1975-09-15 Ministers_Meeting Pts 4-8
- 2003-03-31 Life Blood of Communities of Faith & Islam is Peace Pt 1-2
See Video Lectures > Pg. 12