- There are three separate Search bars on the Search the Library page. The first one searches the library. The second one searches New Africa Radio.com and the third one is a Search Index, listing the names of each file in the library. These search tools are still not functioning at 100%, but should be of use. In time our Search function will be a most valuable resource.
- A NEW section has been added to the IWDM Study Library... PROGRESS ARCHIVE. Starting with April 2016, we will save the progress updates for each month so that our progress can be monitored over time. Alhamdulillah! As time goes on, people will be able to look back into the archives and see what lectures have been uploaded and improvements have been made.
- Well, just as I was thrilled about converting two cases of cassette tapes using my high speed converter, it has stopped working. It was an expensive machine ($1400+) and it did a great job. Insha'Allah, I can repair the problem.
- 2005-06-05 First Sunday
See Transcribed Lectures > Videos > Pg.2
- 2007-02-25 Saviors Day - Sensitive Issues (full Pts.1-4)
- 2005-12-04 First Sunday (Pts.1-3)
- 2005-01-02 First Sunday (Pts.1-5)
- 2005-05-29 First Sunday Pts. 1-3
- 2006-08-06 IWDM on Religion and Science
- IWDM on Separating Myth from Reality Pts. 1-2
- 2006-12-04 Knowledge, Education and Day of Religion (Pts. 1-4)
See Audio Lectures > Pg. 23
- The Sacrifice that Leadership Must Make
- 1993-09-05 Plan for Islamic Life in America
- 1993-06 Chaplains of Georgia - Dept. of Corrections
- 1993-04-17 Press Conference - Radio Interview
- 1993-04-01 Tribute to IWDM and Betty Shabazz
- 1993-03-13 Ash Shams - Enlightenment of the Soul
- 1993-03-11 Discussion on Satan at Imams' Meeting
- 1993-01-23 Concept of Tauheed Oakland CA
- 1992-12-13 Newark NJ
- 1992-12-12 Passaic NJ
- 1992-10-18 Radisson Hotel Newark NJ
- 1992-06-11 Eidul Adha
- 1992-02-02 Compton CA
- 1991-01-27 Prayer and Productive Life
- 1991-01-27 Imams' Meeting in New Orleans
See Video Lectures > Pg. 3